Ayúdame a ser responsable

Como proveedor de ética, valoro mucho la transparencia y quiero que mi comunidad rinda cuentas. En esta página te doy la oportunidad de dejar tus comentarios de forma anónima o de ver lo que otros han dicho antes que tú.

Mis antecedentes

Individual Accountability Partners

Fel is my accountability administrator she is an administrative support profesional her service page

Gaia Harvey Jackson
from True Nature & UK Psychedelic Society

Erica Siegal from Shine Collective & NEST

Community Accountability Partners

EPIC | Ethical Psychedelic International Community. Community Leader.
Nectara | Director of Ethics
World Psychedelics Day | Ethics Director

My Background

My Bio

Sandra Dreisbach is an Ethicist and Psychedelic Ethics specialist with a MA, Phd in Philosophy.  She is an Ethics Advisor active in Psychedelic Integration, Education and Advocacy. Sandra is the community leader of EPIC (Ethical Psychedelic International Community), Director of Ethics for Nectara, a psychedelic support ecosystem, Ethics Director for World Psychedelics Day 6/20, and former leader of the Santa Cruz Psychedelic Society. Sandra taught Bioethics at University of California, Santa Cruz, for ten years; worked for many years in the tech industry primarily at Apple; and is a Reiki Master.

Additional Community Advising

AMAPP | Australian Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Practitioners
PATA | Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Association

Extra sources